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Table 1 Design choice of solution

From: Generating metadata from web documents: a systematic approach


Pros and cons


Using traditional search engine index as semantic layer

→Pros: No need for content providers and developers to generate semantic information. Search engine will discover the semantic information

→Cons: Current search engines do not support advanced operations


Users provided annotations for data pieces in web documents

→Pros: For users it is easier to annotate data pieces, there are specifications and standards for users to follow.

→Cons: The annotations in the web documents may not relate to the topic or semantic of web documents because anything in the web document can be annotated. For data service providers it might not be useful for semantic engineering.


→Pros: It is easier for data service providers to provide semantic search schemes because schema of available web document can be collected easier due to the popularity

→Cons: Systematic approach to generate schema is required to motivate the content providers and developers generating schema of web documents they maintained