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Table 1 Characteristic features and their values used in the GAMPSON

From: A method of designing a generic actor model for a professional social network

Characteristic features

Sub characteristics



1. Personally identifiable information (PerI)

Name (\(per_i^1\))

{Name of the actors}

1  for  common  name

Address (\(per_i^2\))

{Home address of the actors}

1  for  common  address

IP address (\(per_i^3\))


1  for  common  IP  address

Telephone number (\(per_i^4\))

{Telephone numbers of this actors}

1  for  common telephone  number

2. Professional Information (ProI)

Education (\(pro_i^1\))

{PhD, ME, MS, BE, BS}

\(15 I_{(BS)} + 16 ~I_{(BE)}\)

\(+ 17 ~I_{(MS)}+ 18 ~I_{(ME)}\)

\(+ 23 ~I_{(PhD)}\)

Occupation (\(pro_i^2\))

{Administration, Banking, Finance, Businessman}

Exponential  weights



Qualification (\(pro_i^3\))

{Number of years spent n college, equipment handled, courses,conferences}

Gaussian  weights (N(0, 1))


Role (\(pro_i^4\))

{Provider,collector,manager, security,farmer}

Ordered  exponential \(weights (e^{x})\)

3. Activity (Act)

Current (\(act_i^1\))

{Research activity, course, teaching, session conduction, group seminar, meetings}

Priority weights


Past (\(act_i^2\))

{joint number of publications, research topics undertaken, conference attended, positions held}

Rank of activity  

4. History (Hist)

History of actor (\(hist_i\))

{coordination, interactions, worked on similar project, research similarity, published, papers}

Gaussian  weights (N(0, 1))