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Table 1 Sensors in the smart home: summary of main characteristics relevant to activity detection [40]

From: Monitoring of the daily living activities in smart home care



Data format



Video cameras

Human actions/environmental state

Image, video

Precise information

Privacy issues, computational expense, acceptability issues


Voice detection, other sounds


Certain and rich information about sound

Implementation difficulty and high computation cost, potential acceptability issues

Simple binary sensors

User–object interaction detection movements and location identification


Low-cost, low maintenance, easy to install and replace, inexpensive, less privacy-sensitivity, minimal computation requirements

Provide simple and limited information for composite and multi-user activity monitoring


Object and user identification


Small size and low cost

Reader collision and tag collision, range limited

Temperature sensor, light sensor, humidity sensor

Environmental parameters

Time series

Intuitive monitoring of environment and objects

Limited information for activity monitoring

Wearable inertial sensors

Acceleration orientation

Time series

Compact size, low cost, non-intrusiveness, high accuracy, unique identification of users, user’s location easily tracked.

Cumbersome and uncomfortable feeling, cannot provide sufficient context information

Wearable vital signs sensors

Vital signs

Analog signal

Sensitive to slight change in vital signs monitoring more accurate in emergency situation detecting

Reliability constraints, security issues and uncomfortable feeling for long-time skin attaching