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Table 4 Query for the instance search (i.e. ‘Donald Trump’)

From: Comprehensive structured knowledge base system construction with natural language presentation


select distinct ?value ?generalAttributes ?Gtype ?GClass where {

nsf: ‘Donald Trump’ ?property ?value.

nsf:’Donald Trump’ rdf:type ?GClass.

FILTER( ?GClass != owl:Class&& ?GClass != owl:NamedIndividual )

?value rdf:type ?GeneralAttributes.


?value rdfs:seeAlso ?label.

?label rdf:type ? Gtype. FILTER( ? Gtype!= owl:Class&& ? Gtype!= owl:NamedIndividual )

filter ( ?property not in ( rdf:type ) )

FILTER( ? GeneralAttributes!= owl:Class&& ? GeneralAttributes!= owl:NamedIndividual )}