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Table 1 A comparison/mapping of the major concepts of Klein’s RPD model with the components in the proposed realization, and in some previous works

From: On the realization of the recognition-primed decision model for artificial agents

Klein’s RPDM

Proposed model

Model A

Model B

Model C

Experience the situation

Input cues

Input cues

Input cues

Input cues

SA based on experience

ELDS module that uses MLN

Bayesian classifier (BC)

Feature by feature matching

Bayesian classifier

SA: Diagnostic mechanism/story building/feature matching

OBR module that uses ontology for story building

Not modeled separately. Diagnostics is done by providing more cues to the BC

Not modeled.

Not modeled

Expectation modelling

Stored as part of plans

Stored as part of solution (plan)

Stored as part of solution (plan)

Not modeled

Action Evaluation: Mental simulation


Specific to midair collision scenarios

Not specified

Not modeled

Action (plan) selection

BDI framework

Not modeled

Not specified

Not modeled

Plan execution

BDI framework

Not modeled

Not specified

Not modeled

  1. Model A is proposed in [26], Model B is proposed in [42], and Model C is proposed in [37]