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Table 1 Computer vision-based navigation and wayfinding systems

From: Indoor positioning and wayfinding systems: a survey



Computer-vision solution

Path planning solution

Remarks /findings

Lie et al. [29]

People with VI

Google Tango VPS

Prism MST algorithm, A* algorithm

(+) Haptic feedback system provided safe navigation in noisy environments

Tian et al. [32]

People with VI

Canny edge detector, Tesseract and Omni page OCRs

Not available

(−) Path planning module is absent

Lee and Medioni [33]

People with VI

Corner-based motion estimator algorithm

SLAM and D* Lite algorithm

(−) Inconsistency in constructed maps

Garcia and Nahapetian [37]

People with VI

Canny edge detector and Hough line transform

Not available

(−) Detection failed for bulletin boards as well as low contrast wall pixels

Manlises et al. [38]

People with VI

Image subtraction, Histogram backpropagation

D* algorithm

(−) Low brightness and noise in indoor areas will affect the recognition and feedback systems, respectively

Bai et al. [39]

People with VI

Deep learning-based object recognition, scene parsing, Currency recognition functions

Vision-based slam

(+) Improved location awareness for the users

Athira et al. [49]

Customers of shopping mall

Gist descriptors

Not available

(−) Does not support navigation between floors

Pearson et al. [50]

Visitors of library

Bar code recognition

A* algorithm

(−) Misplaced books and books without barcodes can limit the system functionalities

Li et al. [51]

Normal people

SIFT descriptors

Self-adaptive dynamic-Bayesian network

(+) Scalability