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Table 1 Term definitions for analyzing mis-triaged bug reports

From: Improving bug report triage performance using artificial intelligence based document generation model




Major field


For a topic, a topic set has the highest rank for the UTS, including the topic

Minor field


For a topic, all topic sets, with the exception of the major field in the UTS, including the topic.

Number of classifiable bug reports


The number of bug reports that UTSs currently classify

Accuracy of major field


The classification accuracy of bug reports in major field

Accuracy of minor field


The classification accuracy of bug reports in minor field

High rank-high rank factor

HH factor

A topic has a high rank for both the major field and the minor field

High rank-low rank factor

HL factor

A topic has a high rank on the major field and a low rank on the minor field.

Low rank-high rank factor

LH factor

A topic has a low rank for the major field and a high rank for the minor field

No rank-no rank factor

NN factor

A topic does not exist in the UTS